New versions released

November 19, 2007

Hello everyone. I'm happy to announce the maintenance release of all 3 current TSW applications. Please read on for more information.

TSW WebCoder 2007, version 7.04

A new version of TSW WebCoder 2007 has been released. This release fixes a couple of issues with the Extended Search (and replace) functionality, reported by some users. Besides that, it fixes an issue preventing WebCoder from running on some computers when a Panda Antivirus solution was installed.

TSW SiteSync, version 1.02

With this version of SiteSync, I've added a new settings dialog, mainly to allow for customization of the encoding and linebreak type used by the mini editor. Also, a couple of minor bugs have been fixed. Besides that, an issue preventing SiteSync from running on some computers when a Panda Antivirus solution was installed has been resolved.

TSW WebPad.NET, version 1.12

This version of WebPad.NET comes with the same fixes as WebCoder 2007, as stated above. Besides that, a minor FTP client bug was fixed.

How to upgrade

To upgrade, simply go to the appropriate product page and download the application. Install it on top of the previous version, that should cause no problems. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.

Kasper (TSW) @ 12:44 pm in SiteSync,WebCoder,WebPad.NET

TSW WebPad.NET 1.11 released

September 24, 2007

I'm happy to announce a new maintenance release of TSW WebPad.NET. Only one bug has been fixed, but besides that, TSW Update has been added. For more information on TSW Update, please see a previous post. The update has been released to replace previous versions, so if you are experiencing problems with the Ctrl+Number shortcut or if you would like to experience TSW Update, just re-download from the WebPad.NET product page and install on top of the previous version. There should be no conflicts with datafiles from the final version of WebPad.NET and this update.

Kasper (TSW) @ 1:10 pm in WebPad.NET

Tips & tricks: Preview and multiple monitors

September 18, 2007

When I start to create a new webdesign, I tend to use WebCoder a bit differently than when I'm just doing maintenance on an existing site. In the latter case, I don't use the internal preview a lot, but when I start a new design, the F12 key seems to be my best friend :). With WebCoder's support for both Mozilla and Internet Explorer as preview browsers, I seem to have everything I need without leaving WebCoder, but it's my dual monitor setup that really makes it easy to test out all the aspects of the new design. I use the customizable interface of WebCoder and drag out the preview Tool windows to my secondary monitor. Depending on what I'm doing, I will either tab the two windows to each other, to create a tab for each of the two browsers, or put them in a splitview position, either horizontally or vertically. This allows me to simply hit F12 in WebCoder and the changes will immediately be shown on my secondary monitor. As we all know, a good design requires a lot of tweaks and changes before it's ready, and being able to preview these changes instantly can be a huge help. In case you haven't already tried this in the design phase, you really should. Even if you don't have multiple monitors, there may be a way for you to position the windows that will give you a more optimal workflow. Try it!

Kasper (TSW) @ 2:38 pm in WebCoder,WebPad.NET

CodeSnippet contest

June 17, 2007

Hopefully you have already discovered the cool CodeSnippet feature, found in both WebPad.NET and the new WebCoder 2007 beta. If not, you can see it in action in this WebPad.NET product demo. Now, I would really like to see what you can do with this feature, and besides, it would be cool to have some standard CodeSnippets to include with the final release of WebCoder 2007 and the WebPad.NET update. If you have already created a cool CodeSnippet, or if you simply have a good idea for one, send it to us and enter the competition to win a free WebPad.NET or WebCoder 2007 (which ever you prefer) commercial license. So, send us all your best stuff, make your fellow TSW users happy and you may even win a free license! Here is how you do it:

  • Write an e-mail to codesnippets {at} tsware [dot] net
  • Include your full name and your e-mail address
  • A short description of the snippet and what it does, as well as the target language
  • Attach the CodeSnippet(s) that you wish to enter into the contest, to the e-mail

Please notice that by sending us your CodeSnippet(s), you allow us to distribute it as a part of our software.

Finding your CodeSnippets

Your CodeSnippets are saved in the WebCoder or WebPad.NET settings directory as simple XML files. You can find them by navigating to the following path or by selecting Start -> Run in Windows and copy/paste the path:

XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[Your username]\Local Settings\Application Data\TSW\WebCoder 2007\settings\codesnippets\

Vista: C:\Users\[Your username]\AppData\Local\TSW\WebCoder 2007\settings\codesnippets\

You should replace the [Your username] part with the username of your Windows user. If you're using WebPad.NET instead of WebCoder 2007, you should replace the WebCoder 2007 part with WebPad.NET.

In this folder, you will find a bunch of folders, corresponding to the languages for which you have created CodeSnippets. You will find your CodeSnippets inside of these folders, as simple XML files. 

The contest will be running right up until the final version of WebCoder 2007 will be released. We can't wait to see your best snippets!

Kasper (TSW) @ 8:41 pm in TSW,WebCoder,WebPad.NET

TSW WebPad.NET update

May 6, 2007

I wrote about it some time ago and now it's here: TSW WebPad.NET 1.10. I'm releasing it for you, the readers of this blog, first, to see how you like it. I'm hoping that you'll tell me if I messed anything up while working on the update :). As I wrote earlier, this release is mostly about fixing minor glitches from version 1.0, but I have added some small but nice features here and there, like the ability to remember your open files/project etc. Please give it a try and let me know what you think of it in the beta forum.

Download TSW WebPad.NET 1.10

If you're already using WebPad.NET, you should be aware that this update will overwrite your syntaxcoloring settings. You may want to take a backup of your settings directory before installing. It can usually be found in C:\Documents and Settings\<Your username>\Local Settings\Application Data\TSW\WebPad.NET\settings\.

Also, please notice that if you have purchased WebPad.NET, you will need a new key to use the application beyond the usual 25 executions. Please contact us with your name and order ID if you need a key.

Kasper (TSW) @ 12:26 pm in WebPad.NET

WebPad.NET and the Ctrl+Tab window

January 10, 2007

In many applications, you can switch between open documents by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Tab. WebPad.NET takes this to the next level, by giving you a nice overview of your open documents and Tool windows. Try holding down the Ctrl key and then press the Tab key to see the window. As long as the Ctrl key is down, the window remains open, allowing you to use some of the other keys to navigate through it. When you release the Ctrl key, the selected item is then activated (document or Tool window).

Press Tab again to select the next document. Hold down Shift as well, to select the previous document instead. You may also use the arrow keys to navigate between the open documents, or move focus to one of the Tool windows. You may also use the mouse to click on one of the items. Simply release the Ctrl key to activate it.

That's all :)

Kasper (TSW) @ 11:53 am in WebPad.NET

CodeSnippets instead of tag dialogs

November 27, 2006

One of the features that you might be missing in WebPad.NET are the tag dialogs, which you find in WebCoder. However, WebPad.NET is a light version, and I think the dialogs were an easy decision to leave out. If you really want them, WebCoder might still be a better choice for you, but I do wish to point out that WebPad.NET comes with a bunch of features to help you write tags faster. The obvious ones are of course AutoProposal and AutoComplete, which can make the process of writing a tag much faster. You could also create a user button, with the most common attributes included. In this blog I will use my own personal favorite approach, which is related to the brand new CodeSnippet functionality in WebPad.NET. If you haven't already done so, you should really go and check out the demo video of CodeSnippets.

Since a user I have been e-mailing with wanted a dialog for image tags in WebPad.NET, I will use the image tag as an example for this post. Please use the following steps to create an image tag CodeSnippet:

  1. Select Functions -> Manage Code Snippets
  2. Select HTML from the language dropdown
  3. Click the Plus button to create a new snippet
  4. Use the following properties: Title = Image tag, Shortcut = img and Code = <img src="$src$" alt="$alt$" />
  5. Press the Ok button. WebPad.NET will ask you to add the declarations. Click Yes.
  6. The Code Snippet Declaration dialog will pop up. You can edit the declarations to give them more saying names, default values and tooltips, but it's not required. Click Ok when you're done.

The Code Snippet has been created, and it's ready to use. The easiest way is to simply enter img in the editor field, and then press Tab. The tag will be inserted, and you are now in CodeSnippet mode. The first declaration will be highlighted, and you can enter a proper value for it. Use Tab to move to the next declaration. Once you're done, the press Enter and the tag will be complete, and the cursor will be positioned after the tag.

As you can hopefully see, CodeSnippets can be really powerful. You can create some for the tags you use the most, but the feature offers even greater potential, especially if you're using more complex languages like PHP. That's all for now, I hope you could use this post :)

Kasper (TSW) @ 8:26 pm in WebPad.NET

TSW WebPad.NET released!

November 13, 2006

Hello all,

I'm very happy to tell you that TSW WebPad.NET has just been released! You can find more information about it, including screenshots and a couple of cool video demos, on the WebPad.NET product page. You will also find a download link for the trial version, which will allow you to try the application for 25 times. Remember that it requires the .NET framework to run, so unless you're running Windows Vista, you might need to download the framework as well. More information can be found on the .NET info page.

As you may have noticed, a couple of the pages here at has been updated too, with new information as well as a new look. I hope you will like it all. If you have any comments, be sure to let us know :)

WebPad.NET is a brand new application, and while it has been tested by lots of betatesters for the last couple of months, bugs may still exist. If you find any, then please contact us with as many details as possible, and we will look into it.

That's all for now. Enjoy WebPad.NET! :)

Kasper (TSW) @ 11:19 pm in TSW,WebPad.NET

TSW WebPad.NET Final beta 5

November 7, 2006

The next final beta is now ready for download. Be sure to let me know about any problem you may find, so we can try to resolve it before the final release :)

WebPad.NET is based on and requires the .NET framework to run. Please see the following page if you're not absolutely sure that you have the latest version of the .NET framework: NET info page.

All feedback is much appreciated in the beta forum!

Download TSW WebPad.NET Final beta 5

Kasper (TSW) @ 11:41 am in WebPad.NET

TSW WebPad.NET Final beta 4

October 25, 2006

The next final beta is now ready for download. As you will probably notice, I have extended the beta period within it for some extra days. I'm doing this to make sure that we get rid of as many bugs as possible, before the release, so once again I would like to urge you to report any problems you find :)

WebPad.NET is based on and requires the .NET framework to run. Please see the following page if you're not absolutely sure that you have the latest version of the .NET framework: NET info page.

All feedback is much appreciated in the beta forum!

Download TSW WebPad.NET Final beta 4

Kasper (TSW) @ 10:26 pm in WebPad.NET

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