TSW WebCoder 2013 final beta 7 released

April 3, 2013

The 7th final beta is here, bringing quite a few changes. I would not normally make this many changes so late in the process, but I got the possibility to support a new, dark visual theme, which I was pretty sure that a lot of users would appreciate. Unfortunately it required a lot of tweaking in many places to fully work, so besides some bug fixes, this release also has many visual tweaks and changes. I hope that you will give the new Metro Dark theme a try and see if it looks alright.

I also introduced a new "Welcome" dialog that you will see the first time you start WebCoder. I'm hoping that it will provide an easy overview of some of the settings that might influence how you perceive WebCoder when trying it for the first time. I know that most of the beta testers have seen WebCoder more times than they can count, so this dialog isn't really for you, but I would still like to hear what you think of it :)

I'm aware that we've gone through quite a few beta versions so far, but I'm very committed to bringing a near-perfect final version, so I'm going to keep WebCoder in beta for a little while longer. I hope you'll stick with it and keep reporting the problems you find :)

> TSW WebCoder 2013 beta area (information & download)

Thank you for participating in the beta test and be sure to report the problems you find. As always, the most active beta testers will be rewarded with a free license for TSW WebCoder 2013 Professional, once the final version has been released. Enjoy!

Kasper (TSW) @ 2:12 pm in TSW,WebCoder

2 Responses to “TSW WebCoder 2013 final beta 7 released”

  1. Roger says:

    You have to be kidding me… Just downloaded this looking for a “Windows Coda Equivalent”. First glance *AWESOME*. This has so much potential, but as it stands I will do my 15 day trial, but I’m pretty sure you have a convert ;) Awesome work. Thank you!

  2. Roger says:

    Oh, PS. The dark them is stunning. I feel so much better about Windows right now.

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